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Saturday, November 25, 2006

Creatures of the Night

If you ever scuba dived, the sight of coral reef formations and fishes weaving in and out is just mesmerizing; and if you're a curious one peeping in between the nooks and crannies, you'll discover lots more interesting organisms. Its like a busy metropolis, bustling with colorful life.

Staying on till dusk, though in the same place, you'll find that the mood changes dramatically as your vision becomes limited by the diminishing light. It creeps me out and I get the feeling of what was in the day, is no longer at night.

Coming back for a night dive you'll realise that it has all taken on a new atmosphere. One that is mysterious, spooky but yet mystically and magically alluring. Fishes exhibit different behviour, critters come out to scavange, coral polyps extend their tentacles to feed.

The timer of the aquarium switches off at 0045 and I was there to watch it. The moments the lights went, the fishes were tensed with their fins errect. The swimming became much slower as though proceeding with caution as they slowly eased their way into the safety provided by the rocks. I bought 2 sexy shrimps and a skunk cleaner shrimp today. They didn't come out at all the entire day but as soon as the lights went off, they started prowling the tank. I saw a bug, something like a worm squiggling throught the water, and when it hit the surface it secreted some fluid and it did that 3 times.

Very interesting stuff. Perhaps i should install a LED to simulate moonlight so i can observe such life much more easily. Hopefully i'd find some way to capture such night life on video. Its really amazing.


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