Cliche as it may sound but the first pair of fishies in the tank had to be nemos! These are not just any 2 nemos but a pair of mated Percula Clowns. Thanks to
Andrew a long time friend who passed on this pair to me cos he was about to decomission his tank. I was really reluctant to take them in as I felt that the aquarium was still not ready, but couldn't just let these 2 fish die yeah? Anyway they're happy and well, swimming around exploring their new environment. Received them in the most unlikely of situations, at 1am at night, no food, no nothing, so these poor fishies have been starving and are still starving. Fish shop opens only tomorrow, so they'd have to hang in there before I get them something to munch on.
This aquarium project was started as some sort of a project that would invovle a community of friends and its working out after these couple of weeks. Though Andrew didn't buy me the fishies nor did he adopt them, they were his fishies and so long as these fishies stay alive, everytime Andrew visits he can say
"hey that's my fish!" and rightfully so! It's an aquarium that a community of friends will take ownership of someday, hopefully. So cheers! the first pair of fishies in the aquarium!
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