Finally pictures! Pardon me for dropping off there after all that updates on the major overhauls that was being carried out. Yes, so got more new rocks, infact i'd say i got a very good deal, rocks that are heavily encrusted with purple coraline algae. Thanks
Anne for those really matured live rocks, think you can quite see the sharp contrast between my other rocks and the newer ones. Got a few pieces of corals, mushrooms, sponges, fan worms that came along with those new rocks. Will document them soon.

Frontal view of the tank. there you see my pair of MOs. True percula clowns and they're doing pretty well, feeding with adequate apetite. Something tells me they're not really happy, maybe that's cos the tank's really bare and the sandless glass base must be really glaring especially with those powerful lights.

Been so caught up with school, I haven't yet have the time to continue my work on the aquarium. Trying hard to be disciplined and keep to those frequent water parameter testing as this is still the start of the aquarium's life cycle and fluctuations are bad. You might ask why ain't there any sand? The reason is because sand traps dirt and will inturn pollute the water. Having bear glass makes it easier to suck up debris with a thin rubber hose and some siphonic action. I intend to lay the ground with more corals anyway so for now, i'd just let it be. If not i'd just have a thin 0.3cm of sand.
Overall i feel that this is a much better lay out, more room. the rocks are not leaning on the glass, or at least just minimally. they're stacked on one another and self supporting so there's a fair bit of hidding space behind. Ok gotta get back to work.
those are not true percula clowns from what i know.. its false percula clowns.. correct me if i;m wrong
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