The MOs ain't the only ones in the aquarium. Just on this little rock alone you can see 5 living organisms. 2 of which are not very visibly seen. There's the mushroom, the tube worm with its radial white tentacles. When it senses danger it will retract back into its 'tube'. Its called a tube worm because as it grows, it secrets some calcarous deposit around itself forming a tube structure and somehow this tube structure also adheres itself to the rock. Its kinda like it buidling a little 'house' for itself and the house is a calcareous tube and hence the name tube worm. Maybe in the next picture you can see it more distinctly. Looking slightly left from the top tip of the mushroom you see this red lil thing. I have no idea what's that but i'm pretty sure its a living thing. Behind that red little thing there's another mushroom, a much smaller one and if you look hard enough, you will see some red hair thing. that's another tube worm.

Aonther shot, this time with Ms. Mo hanging around. In the distant background those wavey tentacles are the hammer coral. Also another uninteded lifeform that came along. There's also a cluster of what i believe to be trumpet corals growing. Hopefully I get to picture them the next time.
Today I got a Sailfin Tang to resolve the algae issue. Its munching so much on algae right now but bad news, its got ich. White spot disease! so hopefully a doctor shrimp will help it out tomorrow. Oh yes and I found copepods today! YAY! Copepods! There's one more mysterious lifeform that caught my eye but this one is really microscopic. I thinik its a glass anemone. Check back for more
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