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Sunday, November 12, 2006

Tube Worms

One of the things I like about getting fresh live rock from the fish shop is cos of the hitchikers that come along with it. Sometimes you get crabs, other times you get mushrooms and of course more nasty stuff like perhaps a mantis shrimp. The rocks I have with me were pretty bare but as I was observing and just gazing into the empty tank, its not entirely lifeless! So far I've spotted 2 tube worms. After the bacteria, the first living organism in my tank was a coral, and the 2nd to be discovered was a white tube worm living under the coral and my latest discovery is a very shy red colored tube worm living on one of the rocks. Need to get a camera powerful enough to capture it. They're really quite minute.

The thing about marine aquariums, you're never quite sure what exactly you've got in that tank! Surprises are not hard to come by if you look hard enough.


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