Mystery Star
I'm supposed to be studying but why am I uploading fresh pictures on to the blog!? All thanks to AHEM. Look what i've found! A white black-banded zebra brittle starfish! You know its just amazing how much life there's living inside this deep blue sea.

Brittle Stars are a kind of starfish. You don't really see body, just 5 or more very long tentacles joined together at the centre. Lower part of the picture u see 3 tentacles, white with black bands coming out of the rock. The characteristic of such star fish is that they're small enough to actually live inside the holes and cracks in the rocks.
Same piece of rock, but this time there's a single tentacle appearing at the top of the rock. If you do a little mental super positioning of both pictures, you'd realise that the entire starfish is actually living inside that piece of rock with its tentacles stretching out through network of holes in the porous rock.
Amazing stuff eh?
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