A name is a label for a person, thing, place etc. Often we choose symbolic and meaningful names that describe what we're naming. For example Chinatown is where the chinese community gathered and hence the name. But that's in the case of a place. What if you're naming a child? A child is often given a name at birth but hey, it's still has another 80 odd years to live, its too early to tell its character. How can the name be representative of the child then? I suggest that the name epitomizes all that the parent hopes for that cihld to be and the child grows into the name. I have a personal story for this, but that's out of the scope for this blog.
007 is a Kole Tang. The yellow-eyed kole tang has distinctive yellow rings around it eyes making them very striking in contrast with its dark blue/purple body. Hence the name from its 'Golden Eye' - 007.
I never liked putting medication into an aquarium. I've always advocated nature's way of curing diseases through the immune system. However this outbreak of parasites I judged it to be beyond what the natural rate of healing of the fish could handle. I'm into the 5th out of 10 doses now. 007 didn't take to it too well. I found it restless and not moving. Just this morning it went missing. I've scoured the tank but I couldn't find it. Mum said she saw it lying dead but its just wierd that the body is gone. I understand fully how the loved ones of tragic catastrophies feel. What sucks is not the news that your loved one died. Yes that sucks but at least its an end and you can move on. What's worse is that there's no news. You have no idea of whether that someone is alive, struggling out there somewhere. That was the case for 007 and I was the restless the entire day.
007 went missing for almost 12hours. I did a scan on the room floor, perhaps it jumped but no it didn't. i tried probing under the rocks but no 007. I gave up. Hope was dimming. Then in the evening I saw it ALIVE! I netted it up, set up an immediate quarantine facility and hopefully it will pull through and get healthy again.
What's this gotta do with the name? Loera's witty suggestion that 007's gonna 'die another day'. well there, uncanny but true. Let's just pray that day is not tomorrow.
007 is a Kole Tang. The yellow-eyed kole tang has distinctive yellow rings around it eyes making them very striking in contrast with its dark blue/purple body. Hence the name from its 'Golden Eye' - 007.
I never liked putting medication into an aquarium. I've always advocated nature's way of curing diseases through the immune system. However this outbreak of parasites I judged it to be beyond what the natural rate of healing of the fish could handle. I'm into the 5th out of 10 doses now. 007 didn't take to it too well. I found it restless and not moving. Just this morning it went missing. I've scoured the tank but I couldn't find it. Mum said she saw it lying dead but its just wierd that the body is gone. I understand fully how the loved ones of tragic catastrophies feel. What sucks is not the news that your loved one died. Yes that sucks but at least its an end and you can move on. What's worse is that there's no news. You have no idea of whether that someone is alive, struggling out there somewhere. That was the case for 007 and I was the restless the entire day.
007 went missing for almost 12hours. I did a scan on the room floor, perhaps it jumped but no it didn't. i tried probing under the rocks but no 007. I gave up. Hope was dimming. Then in the evening I saw it ALIVE! I netted it up, set up an immediate quarantine facility and hopefully it will pull through and get healthy again.
What's this gotta do with the name? Loera's witty suggestion that 007's gonna 'die another day'. well there, uncanny but true. Let's just pray that day is not tomorrow.
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