Sun corals are really beautiful. I hated them after I first got them cos they all looked so dead and dying. At that time I didn't really know much about them and it was only then that I started reading up more about these corals. The corals were thin and bony when I got them but I would say that they've put on quite a bit of 'weight'. Its been a while now and I guess the water conditions in the tank has been favourable and hence they're growing. I've even spotted new polyps spawning off the older bigger ones. Lovely news! Irony about suncorals is that they do not require sunlight at all! They're non photosynthetic and are often found in caves where's it dark and gloomy.
Maybe that's the reason why nature made them this way, to bring some 'sunshine' to the darkness.

For that reason of them prefering a more shady environment, I've placed them under the shadows of rocks. Its true that they do not respond to light. Other corals open up and extend only when the light is on and retract when its dark. For the sunnies, they're triggered by FOOD! Everytime when I'm feeding my home processed mix of grinded shrimp, seaweed and what not and the pieces too small for the fishies to take notice are floating around in the water colum, these sunnies will extend their tentacles fully to pick all these loose particles up. Really beautiful sight. Picking up food particles in the water colum isn't the only way they feed. They literally swallow chunks of food into their mouths if they're available but that will be a post for another time.
nice sun corals u had there
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