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Saturday, December 09, 2006

Ah HA! It worked!

So the verdict about yesterday's invention... It worked! HAHAHAHA! There the sailfin tang coming in close for a nib. It was pretty interesting to watch how the fishes approached this foreign object in their little 'home'. All of them were apprehensive, swimming everywhere except anywhere near the clip. Then there's the initial attempts to go near it swimming past quickly. Followed by going near it and staying a little longer, and then the tang started checking out the piece of seaweed and after many returns to it, finally a nibble!

So the clip worked! Actual retail price was SGD$6-7? and guess what's the total cost of MY clip? Just $0.05 for the paper clip excluding the costs of other scrap material of course. Total savings? SGD$6.95! Not very much, but that's how you get more outta ya buck in this hobby.
And yes for the sake of those who've just visited this blog, HDB is a form of flatted apartment housing in Singapore, so its the deep blue sea in my apartment in other words. Cheers Reef Rancher!


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