Think I'm getting old, together with all that dim lighting, the handshaking is quite obvious. The pictures didn't turn out as sharp as i wanted them to be but the shaking all starting to fit in when I was just about to write this entry. I've been in this hobby for years now and I've always wanted a chiller. Basically its a device that lowers the aquarium water's temperature. Its natural that the aquarium water's temperature will settle to that of the room's ambient temperature and with the effects of strong lighting, it might even be higher then that of the room. Room temperature in sunny singapore is roughly between 28-30degC but if you've gone scuba diving, you'd realise that even in shallow tropical waters, water temp is around 26-28 or lower. All this while i've not gotten a chiller because it was expensive. a good chiller could easily set you back 1000 bucks and the bigger the tank, of course the bigger and more expensive chiller you'd need. So to save that money I've experimented with many ways to lower water temperature, by using fans to increase the rate of evaporation, by piping tank water through a styrofoam ice filled box. All these worked, but its not a solution in the long run. Through it all I've observed one thing that fish/plants live better in cooler surroundings. Its just like how potted table plants grow better in an air con office then in your polluted sunny HDB balcony facing the road.
I'm glad a friend from the reef club let me have his second chiller for cheap. Saved me a fair sum and i'm quite confident that the new inhabitants of the tank will appreciate it.
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