Design Stage: Let There Be Light!

I will reveal all the technical, finanacial and whatever considerations i've taken into account when setting up an aquarium. Hopefully that through this blog, readers will appreciate that being an aquarist or a reefer is not so simple as just to bring some fishies from the ocean and dump it in a tank. There is alot of careful thought invovled. It is the aquarist's responsibility to give his fishies the best that he can afford both in time as well as in equipment. The aquarist must be committed to learning about the ocean's natural environment and how best to simulate its aspects into the aquarium.
So above you see the sketch of my proposed aquarium. Finally you guys have an idea on how's its like. For now the tank is still filled with junk so pictures are inappropriate. My first component as mentioned yesterday was the MH light and you can see how I intend to suspend it. It will be hung from a wooden beam drilled and secured to the top of my wardrobe. On top of that, the heavy e-ballast for the lamp will be used as a counter weight to further stablise the bar.
This aquarium is a project meant to involve a community of friends. So i would like to say a big thank you to the first few people to be invovled. To Seng for letting me have your lamp cheap, Eugene for driving me to Pasir Ris to collect it and to Deborah for putting up with my nonsense along that trip and also for contributing 20cts to the cost of the lamp :)
nice sketch you have there...looks like you are flexing your artistry skills eh...well hope your tank goes well but dont turn on the lights too brightly else the fishes cant sleep!
Nice Blog, Keep it up, man.
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